Pure Lavender Essential Oil


When it comes to lavender essential oil, not all variations are created equal. Different types of lavender have different effects and benefits, so their uses can vary. The most popular form of lavender oil is French or Bulgarian lavender, which has a strong floral aroma with a sweet note. Other types of lavender available include Hungarian or Spike lavender, which has a stronger and more medicinal scent.

Availability: 15 in stock

When it comes to lavender essential oil, not all variations are created equal. Different types of lavender have different effects and benefits, so their uses can vary. The most popular form of lavender oil is French or Bulgarian lavender, which has a strong floral aroma with a sweet note. Other types of lavender available include Hungarian or Spike lavender, which has a stronger and more medicinal scent.
It is important to understand the differences in lavender oils so you can choose the right one for your needs. French and Bulgarian lavenders are more suited to aromatherapy, so they are best used in diffusers and inhalers. Hungarian or Spike lavender is better used as a topical treatment, especially ideal for painful muscles and joints thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, it has natural antiseptic effects that can help treat minor cuts or scrapes. Each type of lavender oil has different benefits due to its different chemical makeup. Whether you are using it for relaxation or medicinal purposes, it’s important to know which type of oil you need to get the desired results.
Lavender essential oil can act as a natural sedative that helps ease anxiety, stress and insomnia. Studies have shown that the scent of lavender oil can induce deeper sleep patterns, helping individuals to get a better night’s rest. Lavender oil also has antispasmodic properties, which means it can help reduce muscle tension and spasms. Additionally, lavender oil has been known to boost moods and improve overall wellbeing. Inhaling the fragrance or using it in diffuser blends can be beneficial in working through emotions and feeling more relaxed.


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